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Andrew and Jonesy

Andrew ‘H’ Harvey 

When Jerome first acquired the property there was an awful wet carpet smell that turned out to be dampness under the old lino, so we proceeded to rip it all up. Now, Jerome didn’t want to spend money on a bin, so we cut up the lino into small sections and filled all the shop owners’ bins in the lane. The lino was stuck down pretty good so we also had to scrape the glue off the concrete. It was pretty physical work, and there was Blu-Tack all over the walls, which Jerome’s sister Andrea and my wife Jo pitched in to clean up.

Jerome wanted to open the back area up, so under the cover of darkness at 6.30am I arrived with a demo saw and a hammer. We measured where he wanted the bricks cut on both sides of the wall. We weren’t sure if the wall was two or three bricks thick. Sure enough, it was three bricks thick. Once again, Jerome didn’t want to pay for a bin so it all went in the bins down the lane (suckers!). 

View from the door, pre hole cut

View from the door, pre hole cut

Upstairs storage room

Upstairs storage room

Storage area stairwell

Storage area stairwell



Jerome pillaged all my nightclubs for second hand furniture to build his venues. He took everything. The whole front bar of St Jerome’s was from Loft. He wants everything for nothing. And he’s still doing it — now he’s getting Long Room furniture. 

Storage room utilities

Storage room utilities

The Boss

The Boss

Clearing out the bar

Clearing out the bar