PPP_Document Name_Polaroid_18.JPG

Anthony Baumgartner


Photo by Benn Wood Instagram Email

Photo by Benn Wood

Jerome is St Kilda mad, so Johnny and I thought it would be a good idea to get the Saints game telecast live in the bar. We scoped it out, and to get an aerial up on the roof, we had to get up on top of Shit Town, followed by a bit of breaking and entering to get up the remaining levels onto Myer. We get way up on top and sure enough there’s an aerial that we can plug some co-ax into. We made a quick dash to Bunnings to get some more co-ax and a couple of connectors, and by that time it was quarter to seven. By the time we got down to turn it on, the bar had already started to fill up and quite a few people were looking on because the telecast was due to start at 7:30. At 7:15, the moment of truth came and we plugged the fucker in, saying to ourselves, ‘shit man, this better work.’ Sure enough, we got the footy. The picture wasn’t 100% but it was good enough, and the whole bar got up and cheered. 

Ken was sometimes a little bit over the top. One night he wasn’t getting Jerome’s attention because he was talking with a reasonably attractive looking girl. So Ken pours tomato sauce over Jerome’s hair. Jerome didn’t flinch, didn’t bat an eyelid, he just continued the conversation he was having.

Another night Jerome and I were walking across the road and we started talking to a couple of people at the lights, both Kiwis. They ended up going to the bar, and one girl in particular took quite a shining to Jerome. She wasn’t a horror, but he just wasn’t interested. She was chasing him all over the bar trying to snog him. She would come in for the approach with her mouth wide open and he would burst into laughter. He wouldn’t have been able to snog her if he wanted to.

Sometimes the police would have a bit of a wander through. You could see they were impressed with how cool the place was. One chick started chatting up one of the cops once. She asked him for his number then planted one on him. They all just looked at each other with a smile going, ‘what can you do?’